By far the easiest and simplest way to boost your IQ is to use the techniques in The Complete Guide To Genius. However, there are very simple behaviour modifications you can make right now that can help to boost your IQ. Below you will find a list of 19 tips:
1. Practice proper breathing.
More air in means more oxygen in the blood and therefore in the brain. Breath through your nose and you'll notice that you use your diaphragm more, drawing air deeper into your lungs. Several deep breaths can also help to relax you, which is conducive to clearer thinking.
2. Meditate.
A simple meditation you can do right now is just closing your eyes and paying attention to your breath. Tensing up your muscles and then relaxing them to start may help. When your mind wanders, just bring your attention back to your breath. Five or ten minutes of this will usually relax you, clear your mind, and leave you more ready for any mental task. Mental clarity allows thoughts of inspiration and genius to come to you.
3. Sit up straight.
Posture affects your thinking process. Prove it to yourself by doing math in your head while slouching, looking at the floor and letting your mouth hang open. Then do the mental math while sitting up straight, keeping your mouth closed and looking forward or slightly upwards. It is clearly easy to think with a good posture.
4. Use your spare time.
This is time that is almost always wasted. Driving time, time spent in waiting rooms, or even time spent raking your yard can be included in this. With a tape player and a trip to a public library, you can start to use this time to listen to books-on-tape. You may spend 200 hours a year in your car which means there is always enough time to make changes in your life.
5. Motivate yourself.
Motivation is as important to mental tasks as it is to any other. Learn a few simple techniques for self motivation and this will help your mind to clarify itself.
6. Exercise.
Long term exercise can boost brainpower, which isn't surprising. Anything that affects physical health in a positive way probably helps the brain too. Recent research, though, shows that cognitive function is improved immediately after just ten minutes of aerobic exercise. If you need a brain recharge, you might want to walk up and down the stairs a few times or go for a quick jog.
7. Walk.
Exercise has been shown to benefit the brain, and walking is one of the best exercises for many. It is low impact, the rhythmic nature of it will put you in a state to promote clear thinking.
8. Talk.
Certain ways of talking can boost IQ and form new mental habits. If your stuck on something, try explaining it to a friend and you'll notice that the process of explaining will help you clarify your own understanding .
9. Do something you enjoy.
This is a way to both lower stress and get your brain juices flowing. The key is to do something active and enjoyable. Whether it is playing Scrabble or building birdhouses, when you are actively engaged in an activity that you enjoy, you worry less about things and you start to think better. You will eventually end up in "the zone" which is an optimal brain state for learning and inspiration. Watching TV doesn't count as it is passive and reactive.
10. Laugh.
The release of endorphins caused by laughter lowers stress levels, which is good for long term brain health. This is easier to do when you have a positive outlook in life, than if you were to try and force your laughter.
11. Play.
Doing new things and becoming good at those things will stimulate the brain and cause measurable changes in the structure of it. New connections are made and new brain cells are grown. Intellectual play, as well as any playing that involves hand-eye coordination stimulates the brain to higher levels of efficiency.
12. Sing.
When you are alone in your car, try singing about something you are working on. This exercises your right brain. Have you ever noticed how its easier to rhyme when you sing than when you just speak or write? This is because the right brain is better at pattern recognition. By doing this brain exercise regularly you can train yourself to tap into the power of the right brain. This will make you a more effective problem-solver.
13. Model others.
Find others that are creative, intelligent, or very productive. Do what they do, and think what they think. This is a key principle of neuron-linguistic programming. Its important that you pay attention to what they do more than what they say, because successful people generally are not aware of what they are doing to create positive results.
14. Become self aware.
When you know yourself better, you can avoid the usual effects of ego and emotion in your seemingly "rational" thinking. This will allow you to remove bias in your thinking, thus creating pure and clear thought.
15. Become fascinated in life.
Showing a genuine interest in life will allow you to live in the moment and act independently of the negative programming of the past. This allows for true creativity, inspiration and genius to come to you.
16. Get educated.
Education in any area will make the brain stronger. Through education, we can learn the mysteries of the brain and how to improve it.
17. Avoid arguments.
When you defend a position too vigorously, especially when it is just to "win" the argument, you invest our ego into it. This makes it difficult to accept new information when it comes. In other words, you put your mind in a rut, and you dig it deeper with each argument. Debate can be a valuable thing, but when the ego takes over, the mind closes the door to the inspiration of the subconscious mind behind it.
18. Avoid too much stress.
Stress causes brain damage through spikes in harmful chemicals. It will also hurt the rest of the body. Learn to remain relaxed at all times.
19. Make an effort to form new habits.
Forming new habits takes approximately 30-90 days. This means that when you create your plan for a higher IQ, make sure you have a plan in place to use the techniques and strategies we teach. You can use many of the brain boosters here and get immediate results, but it is creating new habits that will allow you to consolidate your new and higher IQ.
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